
My research interests include the effects of negative experiences on brain plasticity and social behaviors. My work uses viral and genetic manipulations to identify novel therapeutic targets to mediate such consequences. Below you will find descriptions of these projects along with any relevant publications.

Adult hippocampal plasticity

Cope, E. C., Waters, R. C., Diethorn, E. J., Pagliai, K. A., Dias, C. G., Tsuda, M., Cameron, H. A., & Gould, E. (2020). Adult-Born Neurons in the Hippocampus Are Essential for Social Memory Maintenance. eNeuro, 7(6), ENEURO.0182-20.2020.

Differential effects of different types of early life adversity

Waters, R. C., & Gould, E. (2022). Early Life Adversity and Neuropsychiatric Disease: Differential Outcomes and Translational Relevance of Rodent Models. Frontiers in systems neuroscience, 16, 860847.

Affective disorders

Waters, R. C., Worth, H. M., Vasquez, B., & Gould, E. (2022). Inhibition of adult neurogenesis reduces avoidance behavior in male, but not female, mice subjected to early life adversity. Neurobiology of stress, 17, 100436.

Neural development